Ayushya Homam

Ayush Homam is performed  for longevity of life , doing this homam pleases ayur Devata. It is performed  on the first birthday of a child  and is  also recommend  for everyone  to do this every year, this protects the individual and removes negative effects confronted during the year that has gone by. It  also helps alienate illiness and  ensures longevity .

"Ashwatthama Balir Vyaso Hanumanash cha Vibhishana Krupacharya cha Parashuramam Saptaita Chiranjeevanam" - 'Ashwathama, King Mahabali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripacharya and Parashurama are the  considered protectors '. Praying to them  helps in lonegtivity

Who should do this Homam:  When the  child turns one year old ,People with chronic illness or having fear of untimely death should perform this Homam.recommended for all ages during the birthday

When you should do this Homam: Every year during  Birthday or whenever affected by chronic illness

Benefits of this Homam: The benefits of this Homam can provides healthy living and longevity of life, helps in  controlling forces that  deter your  growth

Prasadam: Chakrapongal  or Kesari – 200 gms


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Note: This cost includes the standard list of puja/homam items

Homam Types House Hold
Estimated Time 1.5 Hours
No. of Priests 1
Additional Information No

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