Lakshmi Hyagreeva Homam
Lakshmi Hyagreeva Homam when performed improves children education, knowledge & Concentration in studies, for obtaining good marks in exams, pursuing higher education,dance & fine arts.
Jnananandamayam devam nirmala sphatikakrutim |
adharam sarva vidyanam hayagrivam upasmahe ||
Who should do this Homam: Hayagreeva Homam is specifically done for the students to invoke the blessing of Lord Hayagreeva in their life. This homam can also be performed by the working professionals like teachers, professors, researchers or people who are into the world of imparting knowledge.
When you should do this Homam: Best performed few days before exams, when appearing for any competitive tests and every year if you have children studying at home.
Benefits of this Homam: This Homam increases concentration, confidence, memory power in children to face the exams and helps to excel in it. This homam also helps attain desired goals in education, dance, music and arts.
Prasadam: Chakrapongal or Kesari – 200gms
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