Other Ceremonies (or) Functions

The Cermonies/Functions listed can be performed at special request.

  1. Annaprasanam
  2. Aksharabhysam
  3. Valakappu
  4. Seemantham
  5. Upanaynam
  6. Grahapravesam
  7. Sashtiapthapoorthi
  8. Sathabishegam
  9. Kanakabishegam
  10. Aavaniaahatam
  11. Amavaasaya Tarpanam
  12. Paarvana Shraadha

Please submit a special request.

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  Are you sure want to check sepcial request? If so, give your special request details in special request note.

Note: This cost includes the standard list of puja/homam items

Ceremony Types House Hold
Estimated Time 1.5 Hours
No. of Priests No
Additional Information This Price of the homam indicated above is 1 Priest.

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