Kaala Sarpa Dosha Pariharam

Rahu and Ketu are shadows but not general planets like other seven. But Rahu and Ketu in modern days have most influence on a person’s horoscope. Out of many combinations of rahu – ketu placements in a horoscope, all planets being within rahu – ketu and rest 7 houses being empty is said to cause Kalasarpa yoga or dosha. It can be a yoga or dosha based on other planets conjunct with rahu or ketu, owners of houses occupied by rahu - ketu, planets affecting it and also position of them with respect to lagna. Individuals  who have naga dosha should also  perform the puja

Who should do this Puja: Individuals who are affected by delay in marriage, delay in child birth , issues relating to family dispute like divorce ,separation,  , loss of job , loss in business, issues that are negative in nature

When you should do this Puja: Whenever identified in horoscope

Benefits of this Puja : Performing the puja  leads to happiness, prosperity and good health.  removes obstacles or hurdles at work, in business and personal  life. 


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Note: This cost includes the standard list of puja/homam items

Puja Types House Hold
Estimated Time 3 Hours
No. of Priests -
Additional Information The price of the puja indicated above is for 2 priests. Any additional priests can be opted.

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