Shri Chandi Yaagam

Devi Chandi is the other name of  Goddess Devi Durga  she is the symbol of Shakti who protects the human beings from the influence of all evils and blesses with Success, peace, abundance and Prosperity.  The purpose of Chandi Homam is to remove any obstacles or blocks in progress in life. Chandi homa is very useful for getting success, wealth, prosperity, fame, removal of fear, health, longevity, food, progeny, strength,  removing ailments, removing danger and  defeat in the hand of adversaries .

ॐ खड्‌गं चक्रगदेषुचापपरिघाञ्छूलं भुशुण्डीं शिरः
शङ्खं संदधतीं करैस्त्रिनयनां सर्वाङ्गभूषावृताम्।
नीलाश्मद्युतिमास्यपाददशकां सेवे महाकालिकां
यामस्तौत्स्वपिते हरौ कमलजो हन्‍तुं मधुं कैटभम्॥१॥


Who should do this Homam: Head of the Family who are looking for continued prosperity of the family and for removing any obstacles in the process

When you should do this Homam: Can be performed any day according to star signs, however doing this Homam on a Pournami, Astami is  recommended

Benefits of this Homam: This Homam benefits by providing victory, courage and prosperity. It helps in bringing health, happiness and removing obstacles and also Protects from evil forces and black magic.

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Note: This cost includes the standard list of puja/homam items

Homam Types House Hold
Estimated Time 20 Hours
No. of Priests 6
Additional Information No

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